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The Gin Cooperative Award Winners

Gin Cooperative Award Winner Zesty

 The Gin Cooperative launched their inaugural gin awards this year receiving entries from gin distilleries across Scotland. We’ve got some really good news; we won a medal.

Our limited edition Up Helly Aa 2022 made it to the final in the 'Cask Aged Gin' category and our 'yet to be released' ZEsty Gin has won a bronze medal in the 'Consumer Judges Award' category. When life gives you lemons, apparently it’s a good idea to make gin. Keep an eye on our website and social channels for the official launch of Zesty. 

You can however still get your hands on one of the final remaining bottles of Up Helly Aa 22’ Cask Aged Gin

Congratulations to each and every Scottish Gin distillery and of course we'd like to extend a huge thank you to the team at the Gin Cooperative for organising such successful awards. We are so proud to be apart of this fabulous Scottish Gin Industry. 

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